Enquete with the lecture:

What are the consequences for timetravel if matter moves faster then light.


13 Oktober 2012 zaterdag 2 uur With GFWP Munchen, by Drs. Jan L.J. Meijer, Borena


Appliance to travel agency the fast clock:


At time: ……….. place: ……… I want to travel to place:…….. in the year:…., date…..

there I will remain …..long.

                                                   *                                          *

               going                slower/faster                      forward/backward 

During    stay     I want   slower/faster  time, going  forward/backward.  

               return               slower/faster                      forward/backward


                                          *                        *

For  …. persons; smoking/ no smoking, do/ don’t like vegetarian food.          


* erase what is not applicable.




What do we want in future or past?


- have a look?

- bring a sample along?

- go there yourself?

- change course of things?

- with boredom fasten up time?

- during pleasure slow time down?

- Time backward for another sidetrack?

- Time backward to relive something?

- ………………………. **

-……………………….. **


** Space for your options.